Jackie Ding Returns to Formula Lites with Group-A Racing for 2016

Indianapolis, Indiana (December 11, 2015) – Announced today at the Performance Racing Industry Show (PRI Show) Jackie Ding has re-signed to return with Group-A Racing for a sophomore campaign in the 2016 Formula Lites Series. The announcement was done during a press conference hosted by Honda, also announcing a new 2.0 liter turbo charged engine for the Formula Lites cars in 2016. With the agreement between Jackie Ding and Group-A, is also an extension with him as part of the Group-A Racing Driver Development Program.
Jackie has been part of the Group-A Racing Driver Development program since the beginning of his career, which only started two years ago. He got his start in the Skip Barber Regional Series working with his private coach provide by Group-A, which saw him improve at a rapid rate. Ding was able to achieve success in a very short time earning poles, wins and numerous podium results. After that he stepped up into pro racing, competing in the inaugural Formula Lites Series last year with Group-A Racing. The young Chinese born driver improved all throughout the year earning many podiums and a win at VIR, which was a 1-2 sweep for Group-A Racing.
“I am really happy to have Jackie back for another year in Formula Lites” said team manager Jonathan Scarallo. “He has been such a pleasure to work with from every single perspective. This will be the first time in his short career that he is returning to a series, which will be a great chance for him to really sink his teeth into a championship effort. I am confident he will be a very serious threat with us all year long.”
“I’m very excited to be back with Group-A Racing and campaigning in Formula Lites!” said Jackie Ding “Everyone at Group-A helped me ever since the beginning of my career, and I fully appreciate what they have done for me. With one year of experience in chassis #007 FL15 already, I can’t wait to go out and fight for this years Formula Lites title!”
As part of being in the Group-A Racing Driver Development Program, Jackie will continue receiving assistance in building his brand, activating sponsorship, along with career management preparing for future programs. Plans have12038305_1694722410760822_4111729996932531006_n been put into motion for opportunities for Jackie in 2017. In 2016 Jackie will again drive #86 FL15 sponsored by Huewei, EVE Energy and Zone District Clothing.
Drivers interested in testing and race opportunities with Group-A Racing can contact them via 631-974-4379 or GroupARacing@aol.com